Wednesday 29 February 2012

'...It is an arrow, pointing down to our manhood.' Glenn O' Brien


   Just a quick post tonight really. I wanted to share my thoughts on the underrated tie! A random topic, expect nothing less on here. I've been thinking about certain staples and their function, and when I came to probably one of the most important elements of the man's/ woman's wardrobe; the tie; I realized that actually, there is no specific 'job' for the tie? Which is ironic because the tie, in terms of style, is extremely useful in all its usefulness. I'll use businessmen as my prime example... They stride around looking all important in their suits, all pretty much identical from a distance. But, it's the tie that sets them apart. Everything from the size; width & length, colours, patterns, material all tells us a lot about the man beneath. The wearer's personality (or lack thereof) is illustrated in his choice of accessory.
   I don't want to get too into a drab, business related post (I'm too flamboyant for all that), so I'll move onto a more artistic example. Back in the day, ties were handpainted by the artist that wore them. As you can probably imagine there were some very interesting and beautiful ties knocking about back then, it was literally there personality on a tie.

I love this little number. A cubist silk tie by Pierre Cardin.

This is more like it...A leather studded tie! Now this might not be appropriate for the business sort but for us creatives that like to wear ties, appreciative of what they are - a beauty accessory, it's up there on my 'top ties'!

Anyway, I did say this would be a short one, but I'll leave on the note - Don't underestimate the uselessness of the tie.

Lots of Love,

Miss E xx

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